A Humanely Digital Society – From the Finnish Changemakers to You

The great Finnish story of humane digitalisation

A Humanely Digital Society offers a uniquely broad perspective on digitalisation as told by Finnish changemakers.

“Digitalisation touches each of us, and it will do so even more in the future. This book excellently and concretely illustrates the importance of human-centred and humane digitalisation. My warm recommendation for developing understanding and personal thinking.” – Jarno Limnell, Member of the Parliament of Finland

Humane digitalisation belongs to everyone

What should everyone know about digitalisation right now and on the journey to the future? How does digitalisation shape life, work, and society? What makes digitalisation humane?

Finland is one of the leading countries in digitalisation, and the biggest change has only just begun. Now, services are being developed using new methods and by focusing on people. At the same time, digitalisation raises discussions about equality, inequality, and security.

Gofore is the publisher of the book.

12 takes on how humane digitalisation is created and led

1. Taxing happiness
Markku Heikura & Saku Airosmaa, Finnish Tax Administration

2. From parish registers to major life events
Janne Viskari, Digital and Population Data Services Agency

3. In the conscious consumer’s footprints
Hannu Krook, SOK Corporation

4. Digitalizing Finnish healthcare
Santeri Seppälä, South Savo Wellbeing Services County

5. A growing city that puts people first
Outi Valkama & Maria Nikkilä, City of Tampere

6. How to start the labour force machine
Jaakko Westerlund, KEHA Centre

7. Shaping a humane world of work
Antti Koivula, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health

8. Pointing the digital way forward in government
Jarkko Levasma & Ville-Veikko Ahonen, Ministry of Finance of Finland

9. Security for the future
Nina Nissilä, Social Insurance Institution of Finland

10. Media in the public service
Janne Yli-Äyhö, Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle

11. Humane digitalization as Finland’s success factor
Nina Kopola, Business Finland

12. The common factor
Mikael Nylund & Timur Kärki, Gofore


Martti Vaalahti

Martti Vaalahti is a communications professional and author who has worked in the field of digitalisation for over two decades.

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