Article 30.9.2024

Kari Kakkonen joins Gofore as an Expertise Capability Owner for Testing & Quality Assurance

Kari Kakkonen, a seasoned professional in software testing and quality assurance (QA), will start at Gofore on 1 October as an Expertise Capability Owner. In his new role, Kakkonen will help customers in understanding, planning, and implementing testing in ways that combines the necessary knowledge, skills, and expertise for optimal business impacts.

“For me Gofore is profiled as the active industry leader with a clear drive towards international markets, and I look much forward to the role of an Expertise Capability Owner at Gofore. I have been impressed by Gofore’s ecosystem for testing and software development. In addition to these, a good work community is also significant for me. Gofore’s business sustainability and ethics from both environmental and personnel perspectives appeal to me,” says Kari Kakkonen.

The World of Testing in Transition

Previously working at Knowit, Kakkonen is well-known in his field both in Finland and Europe. His career spanning over 30 years includes experience in IT from testing to software development, agile development, and complex development systems.

Thanks to his extensive history in field of testing and QA, Kakkonen has a clear view of the history and future transitions of his field. Kakkonen makes a remark that the nature of testing and quality assurance has changed in recent years, especially with the advent of agile development, artificial intelligence, and changes in management practices. Over the past decade, software testing tasks are more involved with teaching, coaching, and mentoring of others. With this Kakkonen sees a clear linkage to the essence of modern testing set-up:

“A genuinely high-quality testing and quality assurance is a combination of curiosity and critical thinking. Curiosity is perhaps the most important resource for a tester, as it often leads to critical thinking and interest needed in testing even the uncharted paths.”

“I have also done testing-related work among children through teaching. I can definitely say that us adults we have a lot to learn from children in this regard. Skilled testing is the ability to perceive, question assumptions, and explore the test subject with a creative touch. Testing should be done as an integrated, managed service and not as a manual, hands-on exercise at the end of development cycle.”

Artificial Intelligence as Part of Future Systems Testing and Quality Assurance

“It is clear that artificial intelligence will significantly impact testing. The essential question, however, is to identify which elements of testing should be given to AI and which should still be done manually. Many AI tools have been used in test automation for years, yet they are not widely utilized,” Kakkonen reflects.

According to Kakkonen, instead of focusing on tools, it is more essential to keep asking the right questions, such as: Does the chosen testing support the achievement of business objectives. Is the system testing sufficient? Are testing efforts focused on the right things? Have all necessary personnel participated in system testing? Has testing been done systematically throughout the system development process, or were the “testing sleeves” rolled up only at the end?

The Future of Testing and Quality Assurance through the eyes of an industry veteran

If Kakkonen could change one thing related to testing, it would be this: IT system testing is not a phase of the process but a central skill in system development that needs to be practiced and rehearsed. Changing this requires a shift in attitude and mindset within the organisation and active dialogue.

“The core question of future development trends in the testing and QA industry is this: Do organisations dare to ask themselves what kind of quality we want from our system? What do we want to invest in? What is expected of us? The answers to these questions should then guide the investments and operational logic used in testing,” Kakkonen summarizes.

A warm welcome to Gofore, Kari!

Read more:

Kari Kakkon delivering a keynote speech at the Testing & AI 2024 hybrid event on 12 December.

Check out the Software Testing Leadership Handbook: Act to Lead.

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