
How to measure the business value of a customer relationship management system?

Fortum was implementing a new CRM and understood that Gofore’s quality intelligence and systemic decision making consultancy could give them a broader understanding of their CRM investment. These could provide an answer to Fortum’s core questions: “how an investment supports growth, customer experience, and effectiveness?”

How to measure the benefit of an investment?

Fortum was implementing a new CRM and understood that Gofore’s quality intelligence and systemic decision making consultancy could give them a broader understanding of their CRM investment. These could provide an answer to Fortum’s core questions: “how an investment supports growth, customer experience, and effectiveness?”

Fortum needed a visual tool to break down the business ecosystem and measure abstract business drivers, like customer experience, in euros.

Value Creation Model helps in measuring

After interviewing over 15 key people from Fortum, Gofore provided quality intelligence with the systemic decision making methods. By using the method, Fortum is able to calculate and measure not only reduction of manual work in different work phases but also more abstract elements, like customer experience, customer retention, and sales steering.

For Fortum the Business Case Management service provided a framework, which helps them to see comprehensively how different development projects affect each other through a series of causes and effects. Visual representation of the value paths help everyone in the organization, including operations, to see how broadly their work influences other parts of the organisation.

The most significant realization for us in this project was a better understanding of each business driver and their relation to each other. Gofore's value creation model showed us the causes and effects between different processes and actions.

Riitta Vaissalo, Head of Business IT, Customers Function, Fortum

Project highlights

Right data

The right metrics to provide the right information for decision making.

Continuous learning

A new method to measure the value of more abstract phenomena such as customer experience and sales management.

Success of change

Visualized Value Paths help everyone in the organization, including operations, to see, how their work affects the whole organization.


The skills & competences utilised in the project

  • Systemic decision making

Get in touch!

Ari Hirvonen

Intelligent Industry

+358 40 5662133

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