Public services often require the cooperation of public authorities across organisational boundaries between municipalities and the state. If the processes are inadequate or information does not flow properly, the quality of service experienced by citizens is not optimal. If the flow of information is poor, citizens may have to move from one government office to another, maybe many times.
The Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities and the Ministry of Finance set out to solve such known challenges with a new series of workshops. In the so-called Municipal-State Refinery project, the actors of the municipalities and the various state actors considered in six groups how the activities and thus the quality of services could be developed, especially with the help of digitalisation. The agenda included streamlining the establishment of a company when the entrepreneur is a foreign national, and coordinating customer payments and basic social assistance between municipalities and Kela.
The Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities was looking for a partner in the project who could help with service design in particular.
“We have good know-how on our own, but our own service designer Sofia Johansson was already fully employed in other projects,” says Elisa Kettunen, development manager at the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities.