
Laboratory’s care chains developed into agile ecosystem

Fimlab’s agile service is based on an extensive digital ecosystem. The enterprise architecture guiding its development was built in collaboration with Gofore.

Laboratory’s care chains developed into agile ecosystem

Fimlab’s agile service is based on an extensive digital ecosystem. The enterprise architecture guiding its development was built in collaboration with Gofore.

Fimlab uses digital services to enable the expansion and development of laboratory operations on the customer’s terms.

“Our operations have been continuously expanding. Each reform project affects not only our employees, but also the healthcare of more than one million Finns. Things must be done agilely, as customers’ needs evolve all the time, but also sustainably and safely,” says Esa Kärkäs, Director of Development at Fimlab, who is responsible for business development and information systems.

Digital services focus on the customer’s entire care chain, from ordering to analysing samples and forwarding the results.

“In the face of continuous change, we need to develop comprehensive laboratory services in support of care chains. An enterprise architecture, which develops and adapts as our operations evolve, was built five years ago with Gofore, as a basis for digitalisation and our care-chain approach.”

In the face of continuous change, we need to develop comprehensive laboratory services in support of care chains. An enterprise architecture, which develops and adapts as our operations evolve, was built five years ago with Gofore, as a basis for digitalisation and our care-chain approach.

Esa Kärkäs, Development director, Fimlab

Agility is the starting point of everything

Fimlab is creating an operating model of the future based on open-mindedness, service design and Lean principles. According to Kärkäs, agility is the common starting point for service development and cooperation with partners.

“The state of emergency due to the coronavirus put our agility to the test, but we have emerged as a winner thanks to our skilled and committed employees and our network of partners pulling in the same direction. We have been able to develop new services and solve emerging challenges with great speed.”

Many people are familiar with the mega drive-in coronavirus testing point at the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre and the Nopsa testing points in Fimlab’s extensive operating area, which can be used without queuing or booking a time.

“We have aimed for agility, which we have taken to an advanced stage of development.”

Supplier management is the key to extensive ecosystems

Agility is enabled by very close cooperation with suppliers, as well as an enterprise architecture. Fimlab’s partner ecosystem must provide all stakeholders with the benefits derived from data.

“A laboratory must be capable of integration with the care chains of several hospital districts, municipalities, cities and end-users. Due to the many partners involved, cooperation within the ecosystem requires both versatile expertise and commitment to joint goals,” says Teemu Ala-Hynnilä of Gofore, who is responsible for collaboration with Fimlab.

Creating a clear common goal for all is a key issue in a multi-supplier model.

“We are all heading in a clear direction. Gofore has helped us to develop our partner management and direct our system development. I think that we have built an excellent partner network.”

Kärkäs appreciates the positive mindset and impressive expertise of Gofore’s team.

“They are expert and agile sparring partners — it’s a joy to brainstorm and achieve things alongside them. We highly value our collaboration with Gofore. They provide us with both software developers and project managers as needed.”

A laboratory must be capable of integration with the care chains of several hospital districts, municipalities, cities and end-users. Due to the many partners involved, cooperation within the ecosystem requires both versatile expertise and commitment to joint goals

Teemu Ala-Hynnilä, Management consultant, Gofore

We are all heading in a clear direction. Gofore has helped us to develop our partner management and direct our system development. I think that we have built an excellent partner network

Esa Kärkäs, Development director, Fimlab

Project highlights

Design of an enterprise architecture

The basis for developing an overall information system

Taking partner ecosystem management and system development to the next level

With the goal of agility

Expertise as required

Project managers, product development managers and software developers


The skills & competences utilised in the project

  • Architecture Consulting
  • Data & AI
  • Program and project management
  • Agile Transformation & Lean
  • Systems development and integration
  • Digital transformation advisory

Get in touch!

Riikka Vilminko-Heikkinen

Director, Public Sector

+358 44 528 5181

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