Ethical design

The basis of ethics is to promote good life in just societies and strive for it. How can we do this when creating digital services? This guide gives you an answer how to achieve this.

Ethical Design Guide

The next step in the evolution of user-centred design – ethical design

Ethical digitalisation should be inclusive, take into account people’s well-being, see technology as a collaborator rather than a replacement for people, recognise the need for social innovations as much as technological ones, and overall aim to help create good life in just societies in harmony with nature.

Getting there requires a paradigm shift – a different approach that builds on the teachings of human-centred design. It requires ethical design. This guide will help you get there.

In this guide we present:


  • Our approach toward socially sustainable digitalisation.
  • A reminder that people play an active role in steering technologies in directions they consider valuable for society.
  • The need for social innovations in addition to technological ones.


  • Ethical design lenses to guide design systematically in an ethical direction.
  • Canvases to steer design in an ethical direction and make informed decisions related to socially sustainable digitalisation.

Let’s realise ethical digital together

We invite you to create an ethical digital world and by doing so reduce the digital divide rather than widen it! Download the free guide and check out our tips and tools.

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Download the Ethical Design guide

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