event - 16 April 2025

Wiring the organisation for flow and value maximisation breakfast session

  • Intelligent Industry

Join a select group of leaders for an exclusive breakfast session on April 16 in Helsinki, hosted by Gofore and DASA, a global organisation in the DevOps and Agile field that helps organisations transform into high-performance digital enterprises.

This DASA Breakfast Session is designed to bring together a small group of leaders for a morning of discussions, problem-solving, and networking over coffee and breakfast. Together, we’ll explore how to wire organisations for flow and value maximisation, and how to lead this change. This can help you to optimise workflows to ensure every part of your organisation contributes to efficient, high-value outcomes.

  • Flow in this context refers to the development process of the company’s software products, covering everything from the idea to production. It includes portfolio and product management processes and decisions, not just the technical path but also the surrounding decisions.
  • Value refers to the value and added value that customers receive. The goal is to build products that increase customer value, following lean and agile principles.

Gofore partners with DASA in digital transformation enablement. Both parties are known for being industry leaders in transformation management and leadership. Leveraging DASA industry-wide, global views of the trend and Gofore adamant change leadership experience, this event highlights what organizations should pick up next on their transformation journey. The workshop keynotes introduce these topics, and then the participants get to apply them together in the brief workshop session.

Time: Wed April 16th, 2025 at 9.30
Place: Gofore Event Space, 8th floor, Paasivuorenkatu 4 A, Hakaniemi, Helsinki

Why join?

  • Engage with experts from Gofore and DASA on key topics like portfolio management, product management, and experience management.
  • Participate in hands-on sessions that allow you to engage in real-world problem-solving using what you have learned. 
  • Connect with fellow leaders in a highly interactive setting designed for meaningful conversations.

To whom?

The event is aimed people leading digital service development in industrial companies that work, for example, in the fields of machine and equipment manufacturing, process industry, and automotive.


  • 9:00 Breakfast served
  • 9:30 Opening remarks – Rik Farenhorst, DASA and Kari Kakkonen & Miika Nurminen, Gofore
  • 9:40 Keynote: Why Change Leadership is a competitive advantage? – Juha Lindfors, Head of Business, Change Management services, Gofore
  • 10:05 Keynote: Building a customer-first digital enterprise, Rik Farenhorst, DASA 
  • 10:30 Introduction to workshops: Creating customer value using portfolio management, product management, and experience management
  • 10:55 Break (5 mins)
  • 11:00 Workshop
  • 11:50-12:00 Final thoughts

Seats for this exclusive event are complimentary but limited. Availability of seats is based on a first-come, first-serve basis.

DASA is the world’s leading industry body helping enterprises build highly efficient digital value streams and transform into high-performance digital organisations. With a body of knowledge, talent, and guidance solutions, and a powerful global community to facilitate organisations in their journey towards flow, business agility, and value maximisation for both their customers and employees. With 300+ member and partner organizations in our ecosystem, DASA helps define, inform, and advance the DevOps industry through networking, knowledge sharing, awards, continuous learning, and certifications.

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Rik Farenhorst


Rik’s biggest passion is to help create high-performance digital organisations: organisations that gain optimal value out of IT/digital and establish a culture focused on flow, in which people thrive. Often this has little to do with investing in the latest technology. Much more important to create the right ‘smell of the place’ is to build facilitative leadership skills, talent development, and organisational change management capabilities.  

Rik, with over 15 years of experience in senior leadership across industry, consulting, and academia, currently leads as CEO at DASA, reflecting his extensive track record in these fields. He combines his knowledge and vision on digital and organisational transformation with plenty of energy and a hands-on approach. Rik strives for flow in people and organizations and helps to bring them to a next level.

Juha Lindfors

Head of Business, Change Management Services, Gofore

Juha is passionate about implementing people-driven change. He is an experienced professional in leading business, people, and projects from planning to value creation. He has strong technology knowledge, business focus, and entrepreneurial mindset.

Juha has extensive experience in financial management and data analyses, change leadership in large global organisations, development of business processes and tools, and implementing them to day-to-day practice.

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Wed 16.4. 9:30-12:00 (Breakfast served at 9)


Gofore Helsinki office, 8th floor, Paasivuorenkatu 4 A, Hakaniemi, Helsinki

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