Gofore Labs

Gofore Labs – ­an opportunity for cost-effective innovation

The technology landscape is changing just like most industries: fast. With countless options, it is difficult to maintain focus – strategic decisions for something are automatically decisions against something else. But what if that one thing is crucial?

People in a meeting room

Investigate innovation potential with the help of Gofore Labs

Gofore Labs offers the opportunity to gain cost-effective insights into new technologies through a co-invest approach. These insights can initially be used in prototypes and afterwards in full-fledged software products if the results are promising.

Rapid innovation for strategic opportunities with:

  • MVP prototyping
  • Self-contained small-scale applications
  • Insights into challenging research areas in order to explore the potential of emerging technologies – such as generative artificial intelligence – using innovation sprints


Build on Gofore’s existing expertise

For our partners, Gofore Labs is also an opportunity to build on existing Gofore expertise and expand on or transfer the knowledge – together.

Gofore Labs offers the opportunity to:

  • achieve quick results depending on the scope – usually from a few weeks to a year. Long-term cooperations are of course also possible
  • work closely with research institutions
  • involve your own employees in projects and build internal knowledge

Does this sound interesting to you? Contact us to learn more: labs@gofore.com


Use Cases

Automotive & mobility

With challenges such as climate change and increased international competition, it is clear that changes are necessary. As a service provider, we want one thing above all: to be innovative and help shape solutions.

Current and past collaborations deal with reverse engineering and penetration testing of on-board networks (especially CAN), the use of Car2X/V2X for intelligent traffic management, the protection of vulnerable road users or the use of artificial intelligence for sensor simulation and anomaly detection. In addition, we support the safeguarding of automobiles and develop new work concepts that combine agile software development with the requirements of TISAX®. Our partners include OEMs and Tier 1-3 suppliers as well as transport companies (e.g. Deutsche Bahn) and research institutions such as the Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI, TU Munich, OTH Regensburg and TH Ingolstadt.

We carry out requirements analyses and requirements engineering with minimal overhead and develop concepts and prototypes to solve the identified problems. After evaluating the benefits and usability, there is always the possibility of integrating the ideas and expanding the contexts into existing processes.


Intelligent infrastructure (InFra) for traffic optimization using C2X and artificial intelligence

Together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems, the TH Ingolstadt and e:fs TechHub GmbH, we researched modern solutions for traffic optimization from 2021 to 2024. A highly accurate environment perception was designed and implemented based on V2X communication, modern sensor technology and data fusion from various sensors. Analytics based on static rules and artificial intelligence help to intelligently control traffic control systems to optimize time and emissions.



Our goal is create positive change through digital transformation – for our society, our customers and us. In Finland, Gofore is already one of the largest governmental partners for digitalisation. In Germany, we support municipalities in the development of innovative transport concepts, but we also conduct independent research in socially relevant sectors such as nursing/medicine or in the area of ​​sustainability.


ECGAN – foundational research in generative artificial intelligence on ECG data

Together with the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, we conducted foundational research in the ECGAN research project where we used ​​generative artificial intelligence for the generation and detection of anomalies in time series (ECG data) with the help of Generative Adversarial Networks. This is intended to provide doctors with long-term support and relief. The diverse project results have been published at international scientific and industrial conferences and in scientific journals, and an open source project on reproducible research on time series machine learning methods has been published to support open research.

We were recognized as a success story by the BayFIA for our results.



We develop concepts for needs-based business optimization

Sometimes all that is missing is good, user-centered software and the classic digitalisation of a process – one of our core business areas. In some cases this is not enough and we use the latest technologies and investigate, for example:

  • How can Large Language Models better use and prepare existing internal documentation (semantic search and generation of summaries, provided by a chatbot)?
  • How can data analysis support processes (from website optimization to securing production)?
  • How can novel sensors and protocols make service delivery more efficient and effective?


Entrepreneurial innovation expertise

Find out more about the BSFZ seal here.


We want to bring positive change – for our customers and for the society

Continuous change is central to good research – and we want to help shape this change. Gofore invests in research:

  • With long-term research projects, we are involved in industrial research as well as in foundational research, especially in the area of ​​artificial intelligence.
  • We also use long-term research projects to generate knowledge that is available to as many people as possible:
    • Of course, not all results can always be publicly available, but we are committed to share our progress whenever possible and useful: We publish regularly in magazines (e.g. informatik-aktuell), scientific peer-reviewed journals (e.g. SIGKDD Explorations), at industrial and scientific conferences (e.g .SFScon, IEEE International Conference on Data Mining) and on our blog. We also support research through peer reviews of conferences and journals (e.g. Artificial Intelligence Review/Springer Nature), publish projects as open source and interact with universities through guest lectures.

Do you have a specific research idea, need a partner and think that Gofore could be a good fit? Please get in touch at labs@gofore.com!

Get in touch

Fiete Lüer



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