Gofore keeps strengthening its reputation as a listed company among Finnish private investors. Gofore’s overall reputation was rated third best on the wide annual Reputation&Trust survey. Kone was on the first and Ponsse on the second place. Gofore has improved its position from last year, going up from tenth place to third.
The survey was conducted by T-Media, in cooperation with the Finnish associations for promoting share saving, to find out Finnish private investors’ views on 79 listed companies. Gofore’s overall reputation score was as high as 3.96 (on a scale of 1−5), being also higher than last year (3.90).
Kone (4.08) scored highest also last year, as well as Ponsse being the second best (4.06). This year, the average reputation score of all listed companies was 3.53.
“Being among the top three is great news for us, and I want to thank investors for their views. Building reputation and trust is a long-term work and does not happen overnight, but most apparently we have succeeded in it. Openness and transparency are core values in our communication towards investors as well as towards our people and our crew, customers and other stakeholders. For us, one way to be predictable and build trust, is to report monthly of the performance and growth. I believe this is something our investors appreciate”, says CEO Mikael Nylund.
“Gofore was listed 2017 and has a visible and active ownership”, comments Sari Lounasmeri, CEO of the Finnish Foundation of Share Promotion.
The four founders of Gofore are still being the biggest shareholders of the company. One of the founders, Timur Kärki, is the Chair of the Board.
Last year, Gofore’s reputation as a workplace was rated superior on the survey. The company scored higher points on the employer category than any other listed company.

Table: Reputation & Trust syrvey 2023. The position of the organisation is based on the overall scores on a scale of 1-5. Source: T-media.
About the survey
- The Reputation&Trust 2023 Listed Companies study researched 79 listed companies’ reputation among private investors. The survey was conducted by T-media, in cooperation with the Finnish associations for share promotion.
- Reputation was measured with eight categories: governance, finance, management, innovation, dialogue, products & services, workplace and corporate responsibility.
- The study’s target group was over 15 year-old Finnish private investors nationwide. A total of 7,757 Finnish people took part in the study during May and June 2023, giving a total of 18,837 company scores.
- Read more on the survey
Further information
Mikael Nylund, CEO, Gofore Plc
+358 40 540 2280