Blog 17.10.2017

Renewability required in a time of changes

Good to see you here! We have no doubt this post has good information, but please keep in mind that it is over 8 years old.

Digital change is not a project. The change has started, and the end is not in sight. Technology will develop further, which feeds endless new service innovations. This change does not require organisation like a project; it applies to us all, all the time, as organisations, employees, managers, and consumers.
The ability to stay open to this change and to sense the signals of change are emphasised in the continuous turmoil and competition. What new opportunities will the digital world throw into our path? What do our customers really need? How can we stand out from our competitors, in a positive manner? Change means reform, and the need for reform is constant.
‘This journey is 1% finished’ has been seen as the motto for Facebook, among others. It is a good summary of change as a constant state. I believe that the ability of an organisation to constantly reform itself stems from its culture; the way we think and do things together. The management culture, and in a wider sense, corporate culture, is either afraid of changes or enthusiastic about them. Enthusiasm is one of the key ingredients in change. Those who are enthusiastic about change are also forerunners: in these times of digital change, a culture that is able to reform itself is the single most essential competitiveness factor.
Digital change also requires new types of competence. A data-driven and customer-oriented organisation cannot be created without new people who have the required abilities. The availability of digital skills is already a big problem for many organisations, and the situation is not about to improve in the near future. Corporate culture is also a key factor in competition for top experts for whom the meaningfulness of work is a more important topic than traditional employee benefits.
The change in culture is reflected in everything – is the culture in your workplace traditional or digital?

Gofore’s management consulting services are developed for the needs of a changing world. With both customer behaviour and how the work itself is carried out changing radically, management cannot remain as it has been. We want to help managers and developers to better take their customers into account in the development of their business operations, to develop their corporate culture, and to create new kinds of innovative strategies.
Our management services include the following:

The Gofore way of thinking includes wanting results. We don’t only supply our customers with the best possible advice and designs, we also want to cooperate with the customer in their implementation. We get inspiration from helping our customers succeed.
We have recently announced a new cooperation agreement with Kela regarding strategy work. Founded in 1937, this Finnish institution is perhaps not best known for its ability to reform itself. However, after only a brief cooperation period it is easy to note that they also have good ideas and have recognised the necessity of change. I believe that even here, the success of the reform is ultimately down to the organisational culture. In the case of Kela, reform is started by creating reform plans. However, the key question is how the reform culture is implemented in everyday life and even after the reform projects.
The success can, again, only be assessed after a long time. For us at Gofore, this cooperation is an opportunity to roll up our sleeves for a change that is significant for the entirety of society. That’s what gets us going!

‘Digital Companion’ blog series
In the Digital Companion blog series, the leaders of Gofore’s expert services explain the ways in which digitalisation can be made into reality rather than just words in a speech. The speed of changes is increasing exponentially. With this change, organisations need the help of experts in project management, leadership, service design, graphic design, programming, and data analytics. All this can be found at Gofore, with cloud infrastructure management forming the icing on the cake.

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