Planetary Service Design

Include the Planetary Lens to Your Design Work

This is service and business design through a planetary lens – to also address the environ­mental challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, deforestation, and pollution when developing things.

The approach is two-fold:

1. Digitalisation for sustainability

The biodiversity conservation efforts, optimisation of resources, reduction of waste, and minimisation of energy consumption, leading to cost-effective and efficient outcomes.

2. Sustainable digital service concepts and solutions

Ensuring that the outcomes and utilisation of data, 3D modelling, IoT, Virtual Reality, and AI-driven insights, are designed with sustainability in mind and adhering to the regulations linked to environmental standards and requirements.

Planetary service design has an essential role in addressing the environmental challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, deforestation, and pollution.


1. Less harm, more positive impact

Foster awareness of environmental impact, including emissions, biodiversity, air, water, and soil. Think about how to make a positive impact. Utilise frameworks such as Doughnut Economics.

2. Nudge towards sustainable behaviour

To succeed, it’s essential to understand how your core audiences behaviour relates to sustainability and set measurable goals to act accordingly

3. Take a non-human perspective

Add the non-human stakeholders (animals, environment, communities, invisible humans along the supply-chain, etc.) into the design process.

4. Emphasise circular thinking

Consider the whole life-cycle of your product and design outcomes that last e.g. can be updated, shared and reused by others. Prioritise sufficiency, repairability, and efficiency in digital infrastructure and devices.

5. Don't forget endineering

Don’t forget the end of the life-cycle. Design better endings for digital services by helping users to clear up the data.

6. Be honest

Sounds easy, but it’s tricky. Avoid green claims and green washing in communication, actions, and dark patterns that lure the user to do something not beneficial for her or the world around her.

Download the toolkit

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  • Theme introduction & Principles
  • Checklists for the 4 themes to evaluate your work with

Let us know if you’re interested in cooperation and we’ll reach out to you!

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