The Customer Team Model combines customer and employee satisfaction in a unique way. As Customer Lead and Account Owner work in close collaboration with consultants, decision-making is quick, and they have a thorough understanding of their team’s needs. As roles can easily be reassigned within the customership, no knowledge is lost, and new projects do not have to start from scratch.
– I love the variation in our projects. I’ve had the opportunity to experience different roles with Elisa and have seen many sides of their systems. For example, making the current state analysis on their change management testing process gave me a comprehensive view of Elisa’s entire business, says Gofore’s testing manager Anu Hippeläinen, a member of the Elisa team for several years.
In addition to the current state analysis of the testing process, Hippeläinen has worked in the testing of the Mobile Certificate 2 project. She has also worked as a tester in the teams developing e.g. Elisa’s back-end systems, billing systems, order channels, product management system and Elisa Viihde service.
– It is easier to work together with the people you know. When experts work together in good athmosphere, it always leads to impressive results, Emilia H. thanks.
– The team has naturally seen some turnover, but I appreciate that Gofore has applied a controlled approach to changes and has been able to guarantee continuity with Gofore’s usual high quality. As their experts know our people, business, products, and services can operate proactively. They have the knowledge of what kind of expertise the team needs so we can succeed together, Sakari Volanen says.