A framework for public cloud adoption in Estonia’s public sector

The Estonian government recognised public cloud adoption as essential for maintaining a modern digital state. In response, the Communication Technology Centre (RIT) sought to create a roadmap and guidelines for a well-planned and secure cloud transformation. Gofore led this effort and, in collaboration with RIT and other Estonian stakeholders, developed the corresponding concept and action plan. In only five months, the result became Estonia’s official strategy document for public cloud deployment.


Strengthening scalability and reliability of public e-service delivery

Estonia holds a world-class position in providing e-services to individuals and organisations. However, the public sector identified pitfalls that have hindered the deployment of public cloud services. Challenges included skills availability, IT security, risk management, and clear allocation of responsibilities. On the other hand, the consensus was that the current infrastructure should better support innovation and the scaling up of e-services.

Renewing the infrastructure required that all ministries and Estonia’s most prominent public sector IT development organisations agreed if and how the public cloud transformation should be realised. To capitalise on opportunities that might otherwise be missed, RIT worked out a plan to tap into the benefits of public cloud solutions – such as rapid innovation, scalability, and better disaster recovery preparedness.

Based on their hands-on experience in cloud engineering, encompassing technical governance, cloud strategy, policy formulation, and infrastructure setup, RIT procured Gofore’s services to help create a public cloud strategy and action plan for implementation within government.

Public cloud solutions reduce downtime risk due to dispersed data centres and enhance e-service delivery with higher computing power. They also provide access to big data and AI-powered tools, enabling service providers to leverage the latest technological advancements for the benefit of users.


Finding common ground through inclusive dialogue and best practice sharing

Priority was given to identifying all relevant stakeholders and involving them in the decision-making process right from the start. In fact, the clear allocation of roles and responsibilities was one of the main prerequisites in drawing up the concept document for public cloud transformation. It was agreed, for example, that RIT would serve as the central competence centre.

Gofore’s agile approach enabled an all-inclusive dialogue between RIT, Estonia’s IT houses, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, as well as third-party cloud vendors. Regular feedback loops helped find synergies between the different stakeholders, steering the process in the right direction and enabling course adjustments when needed.

At the core lay Gofore’s strategic and technical know-how and previous experience in implementing public cloud action plans. By sharing best practices from various European countries and organisations, the team contributed with practical insights.

Gofore delivered what they promised. Their professional teams led the project with purpose and, using their wide-ranging cloud expertise, successfully met the broader requirements of the Estonian government.

Ergo Tars / Director General at Information and Communication Technology Centre (RIT)


Advanced knowledge and competency for public cloud deployment

After just five months of joint efforts, the framework and action plan were approved and adopted as the official strategy for public cloud usage in Estonia’s public sector. Alongside the main strategic document, practical guides for use-case analysis were made available. Collectively these materials help identify potential risks and their nature, develop specialist skills, as well as compare public cloud platforms with in-house proprietary solutions – each with their distinct advantages and trade-offs.

Proven methods and initial instructions, including recommended learning paths and suggestions for procurement practices, have allowed RIT to commence its role as the official public cloud centre of expertise. Today, it is well-positioned to advise on public cloud adoption as an add-on solution to its existing state-operated and centrally managed private cloud computing platform (“Riigipilv”).

Whether e-service owners in Estonia opt for public cloud platforms, on-site infrastructure or even hybrid solutions, they are equipped to transition from in-house to public cloud environments – either on their own or with outside support. All the tools needed for responsible and informed decision-making are at their disposal.

About the project

Advancing Estonia’s digital society

In cooperation with RIT and numerous other stakeholders, Gofore has laid the groundwork for public cloud deployment in the public sector. Many of the country’s IT houses have already started experimenting with public cloud technologies and are increasingly familiar with their nature and growing importance for securing the future of the country’s digital society.

With a successful track record in helping organisations transition to public cloud environments, deep understanding of the Estonian public sector and extensive cloud engineering skills, Gofore is well-positioned to further support all necessary stages of cloud adoption – from strategy and roadmap creation to full implementation.

Case in numbers

  • 5 months of cooperation
  • 20 Estonian public organisations
  • 30 workshop hours


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