event - 7 May 2025

Book launch event: A Humanely Digital Society

  • Digital Society

What should everyone know about digitalisation now and going towards to the future? How does digitalisation shape life, work, and our societies? How to create public services into a digital society that people love?  

Gofore is proud to announce the publication of its book A Humanely Digital Society next in English. Originally launched in June 2024, Gofore published a book that compiles a uniquely broad perspective on digitalisation as told by 12 Finnish changemakers. 

Join the event on 7 May at Gofore Event Space in Helsinki.

Programme of the event 

9:15 Breakfast is served with an individual opportunity to get acquainted with the book 

10:00 The event starts 

10:15 Opening words by Ambassador of Technology Stefan Lindström, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

10:30 A facilitated panel discussion on what does it take to build sustainable, transparent, and accessible digital societies? In the panel discussion: Mikael Nylund (Gofore CEO), Stefan Lindström (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), and Janne Järvinen (Business Finland)

11:00 The event ends, time for networking and following discussions 

We hope to see you at the event, you are warmly welcomed!

The story behind a Humanely Digital Society 

Finland is one of the leading countries in digitalisation, and the biggest change has only just begun. Services are now being developed using new methods and by focusing on people. At the same time, digitalisation raises discussions about equality, transparency, and security. 

The goal of the book is to encourage Finnish organisations to sustain their pioneering position as well as share knowledge and practices of digitalisation across Europe. 

Why Gofore has created and published this book?  

Gofore has been building the Finnish digital society for over 20 years and supporting organisations that are undeniably pioneers in humane digitalisation.  

We wanted to compile stories that focus on what everyone should know about digitalisation right now and on our journey towards the future. We want to evoke meaningful conversation to create a deeper understanding what humane digitalisation is and why it is important as we continue building the digital infrastructure foundations of the Finnish society. 

The book was also published in October in German for the DACH market area in October 2024. After receiving a warm appraisal, the English version of the book is a natural continuity for it. The book will be published in print, as an eBook and an audio book. 

Register to the event

Register to the event

Register to the event


Wed 7.5. at 09:15-11:00


Gofore Event Space, Paasivuorenkatu 4 A, Helsinki

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