Article 17.5.2024

Gofore’s customer satisfaction hits all-time high

A group of people having a meeting

Gofore’s customers are currently more satisfied than ever. In the recent customer satisfaction survey of this spring, the NPS (net promoter score) of Gofore’s clientele was 65, whereas it was 55 last fall. The IT service industry benchmark Gofore uses is 37. This spring’s NPS is an all-time high for Gofore.  

How was this great achievement made possible, Director of Sales and Customer Value Riikka Vilminko-Heikkinen?

– On one word: with consistency. We have held onto our customer strategy also in a weaker market situation, building large accounts, i.e. investing strongly in our existing customers. In line with our value promise, we also take good care of our new customers.

– In my opinion, the results underline three amazing things: our work is considered high quality, the customers have tremendous confidence in us, and our experts are committed. We strive to be close to the customers in a strong, continuous dialogue. This way, we continuously get feedback that helps us correct any problems right away. Our experts’ low attrition is also very important to customers.

The even smaller than before attrition rate of Goforeans, less than 10%, has played a bigger role in a weak market situation than in a growth market, and positively affected customer experience. Goforeans are very committed to both the company and their customers.

Candidate experience also excellent

Many talents in the industry also want to become a Goforeans, and thanks to our strong employer brand, top talent actively seeks to join us. For this reason, special attention is paid to each candidate interaction at Gofore, with the goal of providing the best possible candidate experience.

In the most recent evaluation, Gofore’s overall candidate experience achieved an average score of 4.39/5, which reflects our commitment to respectful and professional interaction throughout the entire recruitment process. Particularly highlighted were interactions with Goforeans, receiving sufficient information about Gofore, its culture, and everyday work, as well as the speed of the recruitment process.

Over 95% of applicants felt that they were treated with great respect, which attests to our warm and humane approach. Additionally, 89% of applicants felt that the recruitment process matched Gofore’s employer image, our commitment to openness and transparency. Nearly 90% of respondents still consider Gofore as an attractive employer for the future, which motivates us to continue our work in developing an excellent candidate experience.

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