Whistleblowing channel
At Gofore, we see open communication and transparency as important parts of ethical conduct. We want to be informed quickly of any potential unethical acts so that we can deal with them quickly and effectively.
The purpose of Gofore’s Whistleblowing Channel is to provide stakeholders of the Group with the possibility to report illegal, corrupt and/or unethical activities, whether with full anonymity or with a name. The Whistleblowing channel may be used by persons related to Gofore Group, such as employees or previous employees, jobseekers, suppliers, and other business partners, who in their work-related activities have information on a breach or suspect a breach that has occurred or is likely to occur at Gofore.
Gofore will protect any person filing such a report, including not disclosing a person’s identity and ensuring the person is not subject to any retaliation. The company will ensure that any reports filed via Whistleblowing Channel are treated confidentially, impartially, and independently by a named Whistleblowing team.
Gofore’s Whistleblowing channel meets the requirements of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law and applicable national laws (in Finland: The Act on the Protection of Persons Reporting Breaches of European Union and National Law (1171/2022)).