K-Plussa, K-Group’s loyalty program has an impressive membership of 3.8 million people in Finland, making it an excellent channel for direct customer collaboration and dialog. In 2021 Gofore partnered with K-Plussa to help reflect the company sustainability vision through their work with their members.
For this goal, Gofore’s Good Growth model and approach was used in defining an opportunity space for K-Plussa that supports the overall group level sustainability targets.
The project work created a vision for how K-Plussa could:
- Leverage best in class consumer data
- Accelerate the sustainability transition through retail ecosystem innovation
- Inspire cross-company K-Group stakeholders around a shared vision for K-Plussa
We utilized Good Growth methods, such as “Blow Up Your Business Model”, “Lighthouse” and “Win-Win Ecosystem” to create value for all parts of the K-Group ecosystem, from customers to K-Retailers and supplier/partners. The outcome was packaged as a conceptual vision that provides actionable guidelines for further concept development.