Hitachi Energy

Intuitive management of power supply on the users’ terms

The primary offering of Hitachi Energy includes automated power supply systems to meet the needs of power plants and industry as well as infrastructure and logistics. Together, Hitachi Energy and Gofore have been developing the usability of the MicroSCADA Pro automation system for several years. When the cooperation started, it was decided that the user and the user’s needs would be at the core of the entire operation.

Focusing on understanding the user

Persona-based design as the cornerstone of design

The cooperation kicked off with research into the needs and expectations of employees in the target group. Extensive user interviews were conducted to ensure excellent functionality. The research was used to create personas that depicted the users of the system, which were then utilised in the design of the user interface.

The director and the shift manager of the factory will use the system in different situations and for different purposes: that is why their user interfaces will be different. The information architecture of the user interface was updated during the project, and in addition, its interactive functionalities and visuals were redesigned based on feedback.

A control system for the control room, the harbour and the art museum

The MicroSCADA Pro system offers Hitachi Energy’s customers an easy-to-use user interface that is compatible with most devices for control room operators in power plants, for example. “The system is flexible enough to adapt to foreseeable user needs and expectations,” says Senior UX Designer Miika Mikkola from Gofore.

The same system is in use both at the Vuosaari Harbour distribution of energy and remote control and the lighting control of the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma.

An in-depth understanding of the users’ needs has been guiding our design work for years. The expert help and special expertise we received from Gofore has been very valuable throughout the design process as well as the design of interactive and visual elements.

Mikael Molander, Product Manager, Hitachi Energy – Automation Products


Ensured excellency

Extensive user interviews to ensure excellent functionality

Designed for everyone

Different interfaces for different users

Clarified user experience

Redesign of the interactive functionalities and visuals

  • 170+ Countries that use Microscada Pro
  • 100M+ Control of the power supply for hundreds of millions of people


The skills & competences utilised in the project

  • Experience design
  • Service design

Get in touch!

Ari Hirvonen

Intelligent Industry

+358 40 5662133

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