Blog 2.5.2023

Modernisation of digital services is the lifeblood of companies 

Digital Society

Intelligent Industry

Good to see you here! We have no doubt this post has good information, but please keep in mind that it is over 2 years old.

It is a fact that almost everyone uses digital services on a daily basis, and many users utilise a wide variety of devices to access these services. As physical channels are replaced or complimented by digital ones, it is important to offer the users of digital services a seamless and pleasant user experience. 

In the modern field of business, the continued modernisation of digital services is of the utmost importance. Companies need to continuously develop their digital services to respond to the evolving needs of their service’s users, whether those users are humans or intelligent machines.

Various problem areas can provide a rude awakening if digital services are not up to date. For example, a poor user interface can leave users feeling frustrated and cause them to abandon the service. This results directly in lost sales from the use of the service and lost customers in the long run. 

Sluggish download times, poor usability on mobile devices or outdated content all lead to a negative user experience and a fleeting user base. Systems need to be reliable: system outages, failures, and error messages encourage users to move to the next option in the Google search results that they deem more reliable. 

Outdated systems can often accidentally open doors for cyber attacks as their data security erodes over time when the faults in the system’s third-party components are reported and general requirements become stricter.

Outdated systems can often accidentally open doors for cyber attacks as their data security erodes over time.

The world is moving towards a digital future, and companies that are unable to modernise will fall behind their competitors. Targeted modernisation of digital services improves customer experience, maintains data security, increases the use of the service and, in doing so, boosts the company’s targeted performance in this changing world, while also enabling the company to offer solutions that are scalable, efficient and cost-effective in terms of their performance. 

For instance, if a web service has a seamless user interface and users are able to keep using the service even during peak traffic, customers simply make more purchases, whether the service they are using is an online store or a digital service through which they consume content. Modern services collect and utilise data by, for instance, offering users recommendations based on their shopping profile or purchasing behaviour. Consequently, by making the customer service easily accessible (e.g. by having a chatbot that uses artificial intelligence), customers can quickly find solutions to their problems, which improves their user experience with the services. 

Naturally, it is important to identify the situations where using an AI or automation based on AI rather than a human is a better solution for users as well. As a whole, we are talking about approaching a modern overall experience.

For instance, if a web service has a seamless user interface and users are able to keep using the service even during peak traffic, customers simply make more purchases.

With the help of tools and practices related to modernisation, companies can achieve better user experiences in terms of their targets and respond to the customers’ needs more effectively, while also ensuring the data security, sustainability and cost-effectiveness of their services without forgetting the environment. 

The toolbox includes not only agile operating methods but also human-centred and life-centred methods for design and service design, automation tools, quality assurance, data security and analytics tools as well as the development of web services, mobile apps and different kinds of mixed services as well as platforms that serve various products.

Ultimately, customer experience is the key to a successful business, and the modernisation of digital services plays a central role in achieving that goal. Companies that invest in digital services and user experience are more competitive and better prepared for future challenges as they create meaningful digital services. 

Users need to feel comfortable and safe while using digital services. Let’s make sure that services are competitive, modern and ready to tackle future challenges and opportunities.

What if you had a solid path from system legacy burden to a modern & scalable digital service factory that enables agile development of services and business acceleration?




Juhana Harmanen

Deputy Director, Digital Services

Juhana values a forward-looking vision and working with meaningful projects. He is a hands-on guy and very experienced technology professional who helps to renew Goforeans' know-how to meet the current and future needs of customers. Juhana is an outdoors person and has spent twelve short summers as an expedition guide in Lapland. Recently, his free time has been filled with spending time with his children and family, as well as successive renovation and construction projects.

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