Agile operating model and development

Agile accelerates continuous value creation

Experimentation, learning, and data-driven decision-making are at the core of agile. Tailored agile operating models and development enhance quality, predictability, and transparency within an organisation’s culture – and remove uncertainty.

Are you able to respond quickly to a changing environment? Are you adopting value-producing innovations in an agile manner?

Benefits of agile operations and development for business and people

  • Make decisions based on timely and accurate information
  • Respond more quickly to changing operating environments and customer needs
  • Ensure a positive employee experience by making work meaningful and enjoyable
  • Guide the development of digital services based on results and customer benefits
  • Build trust through transparency
  • Clarify complex environments with dependencies

Achieve the full benefits of agile by integrating it into the entire organisation's operations.

Our agile services

We help you to find a suitable agile model for your organisation, provide support in daily challenges, and bring you the expertise needed.

Building agile operating models

Ensure continuous value generation by making your operations agile at the organisational, product, and service levels, as well as within teams.

  • Clarifying goals and benefits of the agile model
  • Choosing and tailoring an agile model supporting organisational goals
  • Describing the model at strategic, tactical, and operational levels
  • Defining roles and responsibilities
  • Selecting and adapting tools to the operating model
  • Principles of agile leadership and development at different levels

Implementing the new agile operating model

Gain the benefits of an agile operating model when people start thinking and acting in a new way at every level.

  • Planning and implementing agile operating model change and key measures
  • Making changes concrete for different roles
  • Coaching for individuals in various roles
  • Supporting daily operation models and agile coaching
  • Monitoring success, measurement, and communication

Agile development and operational support

Operate your organisation’s operations and software development in an agile manner, experimenting and continuously learning.

  • Expertise in agile development (e.g., scrum master, product owner, Agile Coach, RTE).
  • Agile and secure software and application development and quality assurance
  • Agile physical product development
  • Agile service development
  • User support in agile release models

Fine-tuning agile operations

Take struggling agile development back on the right track and achieve the real benefits of the agile model.

  • Identifying operating model’s challenges and their root causes
  • Co-develop solutions
  • Creating a development plan with concrete steps
  • Supporting the implementation of the development plan in development cycles
  • Supporting and mentoring key individuals
  • Continuous monitoring

Workbook: Design for agile

Customer-centric design and agile software development are a perfect match on paper. However, the reality may be far from ideal, even though numerous frameworks and methodologies have been created to organise team activities.

Learn from our workbook how improving the role of designers in agile software development leads to healthier and more impactful teams.

Download the workbook

Contact us

Petri Ketonen

Head of Service Area, Agile


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