Blog 23.3.2023

Sustainability as a success factor


Gofore’s important aim is to make sustainability an increasingly powerful success factor for the company, creating new business and supporting wellbeing at work as well as recruitment. An employee survey conducted by the company indicated clearly that actions taken to promote sustainable development increase the engagement of employees and their pride in their employer.

Over the course of the past year, we developed the ethical capabilities of our personnel through training and by creating structures to support ethical work practices, and this work will continue in the coming years. This way, we can support wellbeing at work and improve risk management and the successful deployment of ethical ways of working. Bringing ethical capabilities into customer projects will also improve the quality of our service and offer new value for our customers.

We believe that today’s jobseeker no longer makes choices based solely on salary prospects and benefits. Rather, a company that attracts the best talent needs to be able to offer those things as well as a job with a sense of ethical purpose.

In terms of reporting, this year we have, for the first time, combined non-financial information with Gofore’s annual report, meaning that we have not published a separate sustainability report. This change lays the groundwork for transitioning to a reporting model that is in accordance with the EU’s corporate sustainability reporting directive. In addition, like many other businesses, we are reporting our taxonomy-compliant business for the first time.

Work to promote sustainable development plays a significant role in Gofore’s newly published strategy for 2023–2027. Our goal is that by 2027, 50% of the projects for our key customers will be related to sustainable development. Achieving this goal will require long-term effort in sales, competence development and recruitment. Evolving and adapting to find solutions to sustainability-related challenges, becoming a key player in the field, will also help us achieve the company’s other strategic goals, and enable us to grow into an increasingly significant digital transformation consultancy in Europe.

Read more about sustainability at Gofore from our Annual Report:


Kristiina Härkönen

Chief Sustainability Officer

Kristiina works at Gofore as a Chief Sustainability Officer – in ​​her dream job. She believes that technology and digitalisation can be part of solving the biggest challenges of our time. At the same time, they are often also the cause of challenges. People decide in what ways and for whose benefit technology is used. Companies must understand their responsibility as builders of a sustainable future.

Kristiina has been at Gofore since 2003 and during that time has seen the company grow from five employees to an international organisation of over a thousand people. She has worked as a software developer, architecture and project management consultant, in sales and as a business manager.

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