Critical services in the wheels of change

Energy sector

Recent upheavals in the energy field have increased the need for operational efficiency optimisation, as well as, real-time monitoring. Success requires innovative solutions and genuine customer centricity.

Innovative solutions and genuine customer centricity

At the moment, the trends in the energy industry’s development are:

  • Distributed Energy Production Solutions
  • Integrations between ecosystems
  • Use of real-time data for situational awareness, managing hazards, managing customer data, and supporting digitalisation of business processes

Advanced technologies create opportunities to deliver improvements that cut costs, generate competitive advantage, ensure regulatory compliance, increase safety, and respond to climate change.

Solutions for energy companies and distribution organisations

  • The operating environment is changing and renewable energy sources are replacing old energy production, in which case sustainability must be comprehensively considered when developing business
  • Decentralised energy production solutions require more capacity management than before, the business model is changing towards operator-like operations
  • Consumers demand more information about their own real-time energy consumption and solutions for energy saving, the role of easy-to-use applications and data is growing all the time

Solutions for technology and solution suppliers

  • The demand for new types of electric charging solutions is growing and the infrastructure needs to be renewed
  • Renewable energy solutions will become part of energy production, which requires sector integrations and better capacity management
  • Continuous optimisation and cost minimisation in the production and maintenance of equipment and solutions increases the need for digital solutions throughout the entire life cycle, from design to use

Do you recognize your potential in utilizing data and Artificial Intelligence?


Recognizing potential business benefits requires understanding of new technologies as well as the courage to experiment new ways of working. Getting the most out of data and algorithms comes through continuous development of working models and information systems. Utilising data should be considered as part of normal operating practices. Management will appreciate situational pictures through analysis or forecasting.

We help you with:

  • Understanding the possibilities of AI and machine learning solutions in pragmatic terms, but also telling about the possibilities of the future.
  • Obtaining completely new kinds of information and analysis of the data generated by your organisation.
  • Agile and people-oriented knowledge management.
  • Improving the quality of information and building a sustainable foundation for future development.

It all starts with the devices


Developing Internet of Energy (IoE) solutions for both, devices and cloud environments, is our specialized expertise. For example, our client Aidon’s cloud transfer created a cloud management model in which data from nearly a million electricity devices is processed to meet the needs of modern business models.

We help you:

  • Understand how services are produced and business model change is carried through the organisation.
  • To take advantage of new business opportunities enabled by, for example, a data hub.
  • Manage Vehicle-2-Everything capacity in the energy network.
  • Control the status of devices, including alerts, remote updates, and disturbance management.
  • In the simulation and modeling of the network load.

More impact for less money


Modern development projects are more complex than ever before and software releases and updates can be made weekly instead of yearly. The success of modern projects requires modern project management methods.

We help you by:

  • Assisting to prepare a realistic plan for your projects, keeping projects on schedule and budget, and managing and leading changes during the project.
  • Taking responsibility for managing your development projects on a day-to-day basis, both managing people and achieving project results.
  • Guiding and managing the cooperation of multiple actors in your development projects, project deliveries, and their compliance with contracts.
  • Providing you with the best methods and document templates in the field through our experts and experience.
  • Ensuring early, organized, and adequate communication of the project.
  • By supporting change management in a human-centric way.

Designing future services


Service design helps you connect the needs of your customers and your organisation in ordert to create user-friendly solutions. Methods of design can be used to solve business challenges, such as streamlining strategic processes or leading change. Service design is utilised in both private and public organisations.

We’re here to help you to:

  • Create new business through services.
  • Monetize the services you currently provide.
  • Change product-oriented thinking in the direction of services and service business.
  • Enhance and improve your customer’s experience and possible customer engagement with the product.
  • Be inspired to recognize new opportunities in the service business.

Our energy sector experience is at your service!

In the energy sector, we act as an enabler between different companies at all stages of the industry value chain – from the development of devices to the processing and utilising of information.

Contact us

Petri Mähönen

Head of Business, Machines and Devices

+358 40 595 6563

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